Transcript Requests -

Official and Unofficial Transcripts


What is a Transcript?

A transcript is an academic record of student grades and achievements at Tacoma Community College. All classes taken at TCC will appear on the transcript. An unofficial transcript is a copy of the student's academic record accessed by the student for reviewing or checking academic progress. An official transcript carries the Registrar's signature and college seal and must be delivered sealed or through secure channels from the sending school to the receiving school.

Do I need an OFFICIAL or UNOFFICIAL transcript?
  • Please note: If you request your official transcript to be sent to yourself electronically, it will be considered unofficial upon receipt and may not be accepted by other schools or third parties as an official document.
  • Cost is $11.00 per transcript.
  • Order can be made online through Parchment or in person at the Cashier's/Student Financial Services Office (Building 14).
  • Can be emailed, mailed, or held for pick-up.
  • Processing time can be up to five business days. Orders can be held for final grades or degree/certificate completions before fulfillment.
  • Priority/Rush orders can only be made through Parchment ordering process and those orders can only be delivered via mail/hard copy.
  • Most often used for students to submit to other schools for admission, transfer evaluation, or degree verification.
  • Please see the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT section below for further details on how to order your unofficial transcript.
  • No cost, self-service, immediate access through ctcLink if student has attended TCC since Summer 2011.
  • Can be ordered via paper form submitted to Enrollment Services if students cannot access ctcLink.
  • Can be emailed, mailed, or held for pick-up if ordering via paper form.
  • Processing time can be up to five business days if ordering via paper form.
  • Most often used for students to check their grades have posted, review course history, submit to other schools only for review/placement purposes (not for transfer credit evaluation).
  • Please scroll further down to the UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT section for further details on how to access or order your unofficial transcript.

Official Transcripts

Tacoma Community College has partnered with Parchment to process electronic or printed orders for official transcripts. Current students, former students, and alumni are able to place an official transcript order any time via Parchment.

How to Guide on Ordering Official Transcripts

  • Electronic and printed official transcript are $11.00 per transcript.
  • Processing time is usually five business days.
  • When ordering online, you can also upload additional forms that need to be included with your transcript.
  • Keep in mind Parchment accounts are not connected to your ctcLink login. Therefore, the majority of students will need to create an account. By selecting New Learner Account and entering your personal information to Sign Up.
  • You do not need your Student ID Number to place a Transcript order. If you do not know your id number feel free to enter 11111111, we will locate your record based on other personal information.
  • Ordering an electronic official transcript for a different institution? We encourage you to have the email sent directly to the school. Having the official transcript sent to your email and then forwarded to the school will change the transcript from official to unofficial. 

Please keep in mind that official transcript request cannot be accepted by phone or email. Official transcripts can also not be delivered by fax.

Order Online

Official transcripts can be ordered through our official transcript vendor Parchment. Parchment will accept electronic or printed transcript orders. New users need to create an account prior to making a request. 


In person

Transcripts can be ordered at the Cashier’s Office in Building 14 by submitting the Transcript Request form. The Cashiers office can only accept cash, check, money order, or cashier's check for transcript payment, picture ID is required.


By Mail

Send your signed Transcript Request form with payment (check or money order) to: 
Tacoma Community College
ATTN: Cashier's Office (Bldg 14)
6501 S. 19th Street
Tacoma, WA 98466


*Program Plan GPA is not on an unofficial or official transcript , the only way to calculate a GPA for a specific program is by hand calculation using the catalog to select the coursework to combine for the GPA calculation. 


Need Your Student ID Number?

Your ctcLink ID is the same number as your Student ID number. Visit My E-Services to Look Up Your Student ID/ctcLink ID.

Unofficial Transcripts via ctcLink

Unofficial Transcripts for Students (current or past) WITH access to ctclink (Students who have attended since 2011).

An unofficial transcript contains the same information as a official transcript and can be useful for record keeping or placement.

Unofficial transcript are available at no cost by logging into ctcLink and selecting Student Home Page-->Academic Records-->View Unofficial Transcripts-->Submit (blue button). ctcLink Unofficial transcripts are only available to current and former students who attended after Summer 2011. Students using ctcLink will have an ID Number that begins with the number 2 or 1. 


Unofficial Transcript Request Form

Unofficial Transcripts for Students who CANNOT ACCESS ctcLINK (Attended prior to 2011).

If you cannot access your unofficial transcript through ctcLink or attended TCC prior to Summer 2011, please submit an unofficial transcript request form for processing by visiting the Enrollment Services Office in Building 7 or sending the completed request form via email to

*Please be sure to include your current legal photo ID with your request.*

Processing time is up to five (5) business days. 

Unofficial Transcript Request form

Note: The My E-Services Unofficial Transcript function has been deactivated; this means self-service transcript retrieval is no longer available as of 09/06/2023 for students who attended prior to 2011.

Need more help?

Call us at 253-566-5325 or email Enrollment Services.